Having to book & set up for my first client I was nervous as hell! I was used to doing make up on myself and maybe my mom and aunts, but doing it on another face, and a young fresh, one with a hovering mother can turn into a new box office horror very fast. The key is to stay calm. When you book your client, book a consultation (test make up look) first. You can have a feel of the vibe you get from the client, as well as what type of skin you are working on, the foundation colour & the look they feel. Don't be afraid to ask what they feel comfortable with, but don'y shy away from knowing you are the pro & you know what's best. My first professional booking was with a girl for a beauty pageant. The pressure was on. The whole time I was stressing about how they would feel about my fee actually, because that can be something that people don't really get.
What if my look doesn't match the price I ask for it, do people even know how expensive make up is? All of that goes through your mind, but when you see the results and the happy look on their face, it makes you feel a lot better, especially when they want to book you again.
I am very eager to see where this takes me. The pageant shoot photos will be up soon !